the CEO! Creative Eternal Optimist! Blog
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Friday, September 07 2012
Finally Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Debra has been apparently too busy to remember what day of the week it is lately. Freda is quite upset and even her own room with flat screen has not appeased her feeling neglected! Today Debra was out again at the local artisan's shop doing something with the windows, perhaps cleaning them? (these chicken lips are chuckling)
It is officially fall and time for the annual Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival, the shop needed the windows done so Debra decked them out with a pumpkin band called "The Artful Persuaders" with an appropriate musical theme. The downtown streets come alive with music everywhere and most of the store fronts create musical themes. There is a contest involved so keeping our feathers crossed for Artful Persuasion, a collective of twenty six local artists and artisans.
Friday, July 20 2012
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda AND moving day! Actually we aren't really do much moving as we are boxed up in our nest inside of one of the many bird cages Debra seems to collect!
Freda was sure we would be riding in style in the front seat of a limo to our new home but I told her basically "when pigs fly". We are lucky we are in a bird cage and not encased in bubble wrap in a large moving box!
Speaking of "when pigs fly" which means something is totally absurd, not ever going to happen. The origins of the phrase are traced back to the Scots probably in the 1600's, they have a dry sense of humor as well as being witty. Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland has the Queen using the expression and is probably the first well known reference to the phrase.
So what do pigs look like when they are flying well not nearly as graceful as we chickens but at present a display of sculptures entitled "going with the wind" at Kingsbrae Garden has a whimsical example of the pigs in flight! Till next Friday Follow the Fowl! Fran & the "fabulous" Freda (she inserted that herself, typing with one toe, I said she should have picked a much shorter word and thank goodness for spell check!)
Friday, July 13 2012
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! It is gardening time once again. Debra won't let us near her plants. She is like an elephant, :) she never forgets. All because we forgot to water a couple pots while she was away.
We thought the watering can was a new perch, who knew! Now that we are moving to a new home in a week with a lot of garden space not sure Debra will let us anywhere near the garden. Our fear is being given mower duty! ugh! Feathers are flustered! Freda feels faint!
Till next Friday! Follow the Fowl!
Friday, July 06 2012
Well it is about time for Fowl Friday, remember me I am Fran! Debra has practically forgotten our existence, well not entirely she does feed us and keeps the nest tidy but! ....we are surrounded once again by boxes, a big flurry of activity with another moving day coming up! Apparently the new place is some sort of historic home on the river, ugh water, hopefully we won't have any water sports in our future.
Freda has tried water skiing and it wasn't pretty, first the bikini of choice well let's just say itsy bitsy does not work with Freda's figure. Strings can be problematic too lets just say once again Freda did a lot of dangling in very awkward revealing poses!
Debra is a romantic, flowy dresses, lace and lately Victorian crazed especially dresses and dress forms. Her favorite Sizzix die at the moment Tim Holtz's dress form die for Sizzix. Wonder if they ever wear out?
Our biggest fear is the tiny lace outfits we see being fashioned, not sure but they look fowl sized! Yikes! Follow the Fowl!
Friday, March 23 2012
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Well at least I am here, Freda is soaking in the tub, a case of sunburn. It has been unseasonably warm here for the last few days and Freda dusted off her little polka dot bikini. Reclining on the deck sipping lemonade all afternoon left her a bright pink! Debra's favorite color yes we know! However "painful pink" is definitely not pretty!
We were reminded of our gardening adventures when Debra left us in charge of watering the plants. First the beauty shot, aren't we cute!
Unfortunately we were under the impression and did not read the notes left for us that pots outside needed to be watered more often than those in the hot sun! Who knew! Follow the Fowl & dont't forget to water!
Friday, March 16 2012
The Fowl are in the house for Fowl Friday! Our stats are through the roof and we got to spend the afternoon with the textile students at the NB College of Craft and Design. We are a couple of cheerful chicks, happy hens and fabulous FOWL!
Debra does not take us out very often so was a very big deal! We got passed around the entire class. Our feathers were ruffled and tickled, we gigled especially Freda, she is super ticklish!
Debra talked about her designer career and the steps along the way. Much to Freda's dismay she related the story of Freda and that weekend! That weekend Freda had a rooster in, apparently one she had met on! The textile students are a talented group, they create their own textiles, papers by hand with a variety of interesting techniques and use Illustrator Photoshop to design repeats.
It was a great afternoon a break for us and we finally got to leave the apartment! Things are looking up! Follow the Fowl!
Friday, March 09 2012
Finally we get to see a friendly face around here! Debra has been making mostly feliines lately and we were getting concerned. Freda has been watching her tail feathers so much she has a stiff neck and can only walk sideways!
This new friend began as a 12" sheet of Makeit:Fun STYROFOAM Brand foam and the Spring Blossoms Wool Wisps Collection by National Nonwovens. Debra began by drawing a design lighty on the sheet. With her Clover pen needle tool she just needle felted away creating our very cheery spring friend! Adding some stitches, buttons and trims and in a very short time he was singing spring!
Obviously he hasn't looked out the window at the four foot high snowbanks yet! He still thinks he is in New Mexico, has a bit of an attitude as he was on the PBS show Creative Living with Sheryl Borden. Another Prima Donna, he and Freda will have to sort that out, ah should be a fun weekend! Follow the Fowl!
Friday, March 02 2012
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Freda is very upset, we just found out Debra is bringing more felines into the worl! She apparently forgot to tell us she was teaching a workshop and showing people how to make their very own feline! Where is her loyalty!
Not only more felines but pink ones! Debra has a thing for pink and she has just gone too far, an intervention is needed! This is what we have to put up with, she told us it was a so called "Sock Monkey" workshop, there was certainly Monkey Business going on as several feline just appeared out of thin air!
They look so innocent pretending to sleep in the sunshine, we aren't fooled even Freda knows to keep an eye on her tail feathers! Now if we could only convince Debra to do a "Sock Alligator" workshop and then we would see those cheshire grins disappear! Follow the Fowl!
Friday, February 10 2012
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Unfortunately we are being preempted by Debra's big trip to tape segments with Sheryl Borden and Creative Living. She left us in Albuquerque while she travelled up to Portales to tape the show. While she was gone we were left hanging out with a feline! Although stuffed it still looked ready for a chicken dinner, just saying! Anyway that is it from us, Debra returns to tell all about her trip tomorrow!
Friday, February 03 2012
Finally it is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! We are now in NM, thank goodness! These past few days while Debra has been at the CHA, Craft and Hobby Show we suffered serious indignity! Her booth display was diner themed.
While she was decked out in pinky ruffly apron fashion we were stuck in a takeout box labelled chicken wings! At least we talked her out of tacking on bandaids across our wings!
Freda will never be the same, she now is sleeping with her wings wrapped under her feet, not easy to do and her blanket over her head! When Debra said we were going on this road trip we were excited, so far not so much! No room service or perks as of yet! Sigh. Follow the Fowl Fran & Freda!
Friday, January 06 2012
It is finally a Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! We are so happy to say Happy New Year to all our peeps! We survived the holidays, always a sad time for us as we mourn the loss of many of our feathered cousins, the Toms and finally leftovers, the soups are gone!
Hey though we are excited about a totally different kind of soup Scrapbook Soup, the very cool scrapbooking show hosted by the talented Julie McGuffee who heads up our Designer Crafts Connection Blog Hop is now live online! We are especially excited as we don't get the show here and now tomorrow we can watch!!! Popcorn is ready and Freda has pics, album and glues ready to go. She has posted so many profile pics on she now has enough for a complete scrapbook! Can't wait to see the results, um sure think I am busy for the rest of the weekend!
Monday the DCC Blog Hop is all about scrapboks & journalling, a perfect way to be inspired for the new year! Hop along with us!
Catch Julie and her show tomorrow! Follow the Fowl always! Fran & Freda
Thursday, December 01 2011
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Tis deck the halls season, we love it! BUT there is a BIG problem! Owls have invaded once again, how Debra can let in these dangerous birds we do not understand!
We were here first, not that it seems to matter anyway a small consolation is that one of them is wearing a very silly looking hat, the other a scarf maybe it means they are the outdoors type. Perhaps they might enjoy the balcony, on a permanent basis. hmm I have an idea...Debra is away all weekend at the 37th Annual Arts & Crafts Show so we will be in charge and home alone, the ideal combination! Look out owls, this is one feisty fowl!!!
Friday, November 18 2011
It's Fowl Friday with the ever fabulous Fran & Freda! Freda is feeling fabulous and wants the whole world to know, the rooster she met last summer on is baaaack! Oh my not sure where it will all lead, but at the moment I am NOT sleeping in the nest but am on the couch!
Freda maybe fabulous and also oblivious to what is happening here but I am keeping my eyes both wide open and in Debra's direction! There is disturbing activity happening, more birds are hanging around, the dreaded owl to be precise! Whatever can Debra be thinking! It is definitely not in our best interest at all! These owls maybe wearing silly grins and dorky scarves but they don't fool me! Freda well that is a different story!
Friday, October 28 2011
It is Fowl Friday! A little late but we are here Fran & Freda! Freda had a late night, not saying but caught her surfing "" again! Could be trouble ahead as she also has a bottle of red wine hidden away in her corner of the nest!
Well Debra is a busy gal these days getting ready for all kinds of events. We now have downsized as the girls left the nest last year. (Happy Birthday to Amanda!) Soooo a five room apartment as nice and spacious as it may be is not the same as a two story house with an oversize garage! Storage is an issue, we know, our nest is crammed into a corner under a chair! Debra is now storing things everywhere kind of like a large um tall demented squirrel!
Laundry is done once a week so the rest of the week it becomes another possiblity for a storage area. This is how our washer looks six days of the week, can we say "stuffed"! We are hosting our own version of "Storage Wars". Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Friday, October 21 2011
It is about time for Fowl Friday! Debra has ignored us lately. We have kept busy though, Freda and myself have been decking out our nest for the big night, Halloween! Debra has her ideas of how we should display for Halloween see immediately below. How booooring!
We meanwhile tagged along to the local dollar store up the street and with our meager allowance we were able to score big time! See below below, now that screams Halloween, don't you think? Voting is welcome, especially Fran & Freda fans, these chicken lips are smiling peeps! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Friday, September 16 2011
Hi Peeps! It is our favorite day Fowl Friday, with Fran & Freda! So much is happening our heads are spinning! Freda almost fainted yesterday with Kate's news of spending time with the hunky Curtis Stone in the Holland College kitchen yesterday. She has been watching his shows since she was very young (as she is only 19 now!) It has been quite the summer for her first cooking for the Royals and now Curtis!
We are also so excited about the Blog County Fair happening, Debra is stitching up something for that tomorrow. There are Blue Ribbons and everything, we have been polishing up our eggs ready to enter! It is hosted by the very talented Laura Bray and Vicki O'Dell!
It is also that spooky time of year soon. Debra took a trip to the local dollar store for some fun stuff. Came home all a glitter literally. Got out her new favorite cutting tools and mat by Westcott , a STYROFOAM Brand foam sheet and Project Blocks from Floracraft's MakeitFun brand.
Glitzy Witchy Wreath! only an hour to make! See how easy peasy below! Happy Haunting Fran & the faint Freda!!!
Supplies: Make it Fun 12" Foam Sheet & Project Blocks Westcott Brand Craft Knife, Scissors & Mat Black glittery boa, glittered spiders, hat with netting, purple & teal ribbon Black acrylic paint, Brush, Ruler & Glue
Mark 1 1/4" in around the four sides of sheet. Use the ruler width to do this, makes it very fast and easy. Repeat on both sides. Cut along lines with craft knife. Turn over and finish cutting on reverse side. Carefully push out center to use for another project.
Cut two project blocks in half. Paint blocks and wreath with black paint. Let dry.
Start gluing garland trim along front of wreath. Glue along outside edges as well. One garland is enough for both.
Then it is time for the fun! Glue project bricks together to make a mini wall alternating brick pieces. Glue in lower left corner. Glue hat in upper right corner. Stretch netting over entire wreath. Glue on bats, spiders what ever you like. Tie a 24" loop through top and hang! Boo to You!
Friday, September 09 2011
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Freda has fully recovered from her jump last week (the grass and pillows cushioned her fall from that very tall tree), a slight leg sprain was her only injury. She may have to forego dancing this weekend, just a little tapping while sitting will be allowed! Once she has a drink though it could be trouble. If you have been following us then you may remember the wild weekend with the rooster from Cape Breton she met on!
We were perusing some photos and came across one which made us chuckle. We are posing with our pal Oliver. Now occasionally he teases Freda, she does get somewhat annoyed. The photo we were posing for was to become artwork for fabric. Our illustrator friend Deborah Peyton was drawing us in the original pose. See below. Then Freda became very anooyed to the point of...well see below, below! and that is how art is sometimes made! (and a few feathers lost!) Follow the Fowl!
Friday, September 02 2011
It's Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! So been a full week, Debra has been feline sitting for Amanda, thankfully the felines are not here! We do not miss the pitter patter of furry feet at all! Freda has finally after a full year stopped sleeping with one eye open. All her feathers have grown back in too, she is quite vain so missing feathers were an issue. She was always backing out of the room, caused some breakage of items apparently of value to Debra!
So Freda has been inspired lately by friends who are running marathons and doing all kinds of exciting and challenging events. She has decided to attempt one of her own by climbing and then flying down from a very tall tree near by. When I say tall well these trees are very tall! See picture below.
For the event she is going to borrow Amanda's roller derby helmet. It is a little big and the knee pads slide off her rather skinny, um thin oh slim legs (she is looking over my shoulder). Not sure how easy it will be climbing with all that gear on and weight wise not thinking her flying down with the gear works! Anyway she is determined so I will support her but only for the first five feet then she has to climb the rest on her own!
It is very soft grass under the trees and I am plopping a few pillows around too. So wish Freda luck, have a Happy long weekend peeps! Follow the fowl Fran & Freda!
Friday, August 12 2011
Hey peeps, it is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Well we are not pleased! Debra has gone to the birds and her fowl of choice is the Owl! Yikes! When Kate was visiting she made a fondant owl for a cake, Debra liked "Walter" so much she made him in felt so now we have our own "Walter"!
And of course there is nothing more two fowl would like than another owl in the house! We at least have Oliver broken in but now there is Walter! Those eyes are huge and he seems to stare at you no matter where you are in the room! Scary stuff! Freda is off her food and that doesn't happen very often! Sooo if you do not hear from us next week you will know what our fate has been! Follow the Fowl!
Friday, June 24 2011
We are all a flutter! It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Big news! Kate called yesterday all excited, (Kate is Debra's youngest darling daughter), she is on PEI working as a pastry chef at Holland College this summer. She just graduated from Pastry Arts in April.
Well the Royal couple Prince William and Kate are visiting PEI next weekend and.... Kate will be part of the chef team cooking for them. Debra has been posting and tweeting to her peeps, a proud Mama!
She raised a couple of good chicks there in her girls, both have found their passion and are doing so well. Although the oldest DD is apparently in the market for another (gulp) feline. We certainly won't be visiting anytime soon!
So we are just hanging out waiting to get the whole scoop on next weekend waiting for our Kate to meet the royal Kate! We are a couple of proud fowl! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Friday, June 03 2011
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda Finally! Debra is virtually ignoring us and continues to bring more winged creatures into the house! Our nest runneth over and Freda is befuddled. (I admit not hard to do but still!)
Last night's almost addition was quite funny to watch as Debra hunted down a very noisy Junebug. She captured it but instead of thinking snack for us she took it outside! Well we just don't get any treats lately! They buzz against the screen just begging to come in, how heartless can she be!
I digress, the new bird in town arrived in an important box, Debra spent time carefully attending to this very tiny bird who is apparently very demanding and important. Something to do with CHA, not that we are being kept in the loop. Sigh we do not even get to attend, room service a sad distant memory! Follow the Fowl Fran & Freda not some wimpy "bluebird"!
Friday, May 13 2011
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Freda is actually nowhere to be found. It is Friday the 13th and Freda is very superstitious! Well that is probably putting it mildly as she is presently sitting in a nest of rabbits feet, horseshoes and four leaf clovers. We spent most of yesterday running from lawn to lawn looking for clovers. With spring late here that was a challenge. (While she wasn't looking a little creative clover crafting happened, a glue stick always comes in handy!)
So for the rest of the day I will carry food into the closet where Freda is staying until midnight tonight. Meanwhile I am going to be out enjoying the sunshine on the deck! Debra got these very comfy cool hot pink and lime chairs so with a lemonade, snacks and a good book there I will be enjoying Friday the 13th! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Friday, April 29 2011
Finally Fowl Friday once again! Debra is busy getting ready for Kate's graduation and is leaving us in charge. Well kind of considering the list says things like, "No partying especially with roosters from" (Freda is devastated, a little red wine may help!) "No bathing in the kitchen sink." "No eating chocolate on the white couch!" (although the chicken feet marks make an interesting pattern, but apparently not appreciated as they are on the now underside of the cushion!)
Basically we are going to have a very quiet boring weekend perhaps a little sunning on the deck in the hot pink and kiwi green lawn chairs might be allowed! We are also hoping for some treats from the graduation considering it is Pastry Arts! Kate has made some very yummy treats! Follow the crumb trail! Fran & Freda!
Friday, April 08 2011
Finally Fowl Friday once again! Freda & I have been woefully neglected lately. The reasons apparently because we are not "cute" chicks as in the meringue pastel fluffy version popular around Easter! Freda is so upset she has taken to her nest and not even chatting with the latest rooster she met on! Cute is her middle name or so she thought!
We even had to pose with some chicks and pretend to smile. Yes we chickens do smile, we grit our beaks and did! We will just have to suffer through another couple weeks of fluffballs and chirping! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Thursday, March 10 2011
Finally we are back! It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! In honor of Friday and Fowl we want to share one of our favorite things, Food! Kate is coming home soon, she is in pastry school and has been tempting us with delicious photos of what she has been baking. Debra's idea of baking these days is a potato and a chicken breast plus roasted veggies! Yuck!
So we have our feathers and toes crossed that Kate makes us some yummy stuff when she comes to visit! The apple banana dessert with creme anglaise she made earlier this week is at the top of our list! Freda is dancing for joy literally burning off calories in anticipation of Kate's arrival! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Friday, January 28 2011
Fran here for Fowl Friday! Freda is a little under the weather so is just moi today. She seems to have a bit of the sniffles, a case of Fowlitus. It involves some sneezing, wheezing, whining and overall yuckiness. So she is confined to the nest with a little bell.
Ah the little bell, it is now ringing on average every five minutes! Juice, more tissue, hot water bottle, soup (not chicken of course!) water with lemon, chocolate! (haven't heard that prescribed before!)
Anyway I am being run off my little chicken legs attending to her. Debra is busy so I am on full time duty. Thinking the bell may disappear at her highness nap time!
Till next time! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda! (cough, sniffle, sniffle!)
Friday, January 21 2011
Well it is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! It is of course our favorite day of the week! In fact Freda and I have been discussing our plans for the year. (We hear Debra doing it enough so why not us!) Sooooo we have decided that we need our own holiday Fantastic Fowl Day, or actually Fantastic Fowl Week would work.
For our holiday we envision a parade, all fowl and feather related of course! Our favorite foods served all week with appropriate entertainment. Freda has a secret crush on Big Bird well maybe not so secret. His photo is hanging above her nest covered in chicken lip kisses. (Debra has a great selection of lipstick that Freda sometimes borrows.) So if Big Bird could make an appearance Freda would be happy.
Everyone attending would be wearing a tshirt with our photos on it and fowl shaped balloons for all our peeps. Dancing in the streets, a little funky chicken happening and all eligible roosters welcome! However we do need to keep an eye or two on Freda
remembering what happened last year with the rooster from Cape Breton she met on! Her tipsy version of "oh what a night" is not to be repeated.
So please support us in our efforts to bring in Fowl Friday week! Have a fabulous week friends! Follow the fowl Fran & Freda!
Friday, January 14 2011
It is Fowl Friday! Our favorite day being the only day we are allowed to say anything. Well we do talk lots according to Debra but Debra also does not seem to listen to much we have to say.
For example there is this supposed Santa character still sitting in the sunroom. We wonder why is he all white, why does he have a squirrel instead of a sack? Is he a squirrel Santa bringing only nuts? Does he carry anything good in his pockets? Does he trip on his robes in the snow? Anyway none of our questions have been answered more like totally ignored!!! If anyone can help with answers we would so appreciate it! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Friday, January 07 2011
It is finally Fowl Friday again with Fran & Freda! Happy New Year! With a new year comes the resolutions but of course Debra doesn't do resolutions she has "intentions", words to guide her through this new year. She has been reading "Eat, Pray, Love so now she has words for the new year "Love, Joy, Gratitude."
We are just sticking to the plain old new year resolutions, so here we go! Our resolutions for 2011! Freda did the writing and kind of got off on a Zentangle moment!
Fran & Freda's New Year Resolutions! 1. We will eat organic chicken feed with sugar on top. 2. We will exercise everyday by rolling our eyes at least ten times. 3. We will clean our nest regularly. (Molly Maid has been called) 4. Freda will give up for a month! (I think she switched to Plenty of Feathers anyway! judging from the last rooster that came calling!) 5. We will not "borrow" any more of Debra's clothing for nesting purposes. (Although a laundry basket is just asking to be nested!) 6. We will attempt to be grateful at least once a day but not if the organic chicken feed is on the menu!
There you have it our resolutions for the New Year, we were trying for ten but it is too exhausting! So happy 2011, remember to Follow the Fowl Fran & Freda!
Friday, December 17 2010
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Well excitement is in the air as well as an overpowering amount of greenery, lights and glittery boxes! Kate arrives home for the Christmas holidays today and Debra is in a flurry of last minute preparations.
WE miss Kate, we do not MISS the dreaded felines. Been a bit lonely without the girls around so today will be so fun. Kate is in pastry school so there are also many many treats on the way. We know she would not forget her favorite fowl!!! Chocolate chicken feed brandy truffles, yippee!
So what have we been up to, well we have a decorating style as well so we have been decking some halls and trimming the tree too! Freda is slightly afraid of heights so the 7 foot tree has been a bit daunting. However I just blindfold her going up the ladder and then give her something above her to focus on. If that doesn't work I just add a wee bit of wine to her water. That always works!!! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!!!
Friday, December 03 2010
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda and it is December!!! Happy Hanukah & Christmas is just around the corner. We are making our list and checking it twice. Freda hates to write but when it comes to her Christmas list that chick can write a novel! So here are a few highlights from her list. She wants to get it in early!
All I want for Christmas, top 5! by Freda Fowl! 1. A Patridge in a pear tree (hear they make a great date! & I love pears!) 2. Two turtle doves (they are known for their excellent maid service!) 3. Three calling birds ( and it is not colley, these are calling birds so I won't strain my voice when needing service!) 4. Four French hens (I love French cuisine & these chicks know how to cook!) 5. Five gold rings (2 wings, 2 legs & 1 neck, deck me out Santa!)
So there you have it Freda's list! It is a good thing Debra loves birds cause this loft will be a flappin' over the holidays! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Friday, November 26 2010
Finally Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda. We have been "preempted" the last few weeks because of the Sizzix Triple Play Blog Hop! Not wanting to disappoint our fans Debra is letting us blog today. Actually she is still asleep being early morning and we took action as in "borrowing" her laptop for a short time!
Yesterday was Thanksgiving for our American friends and a very sad day for us of the feathery persuasion. Today is aptly known as Black Friday, for humans a gluttony of shopping after the gluttony of yesterday. For the Fowl among us it is Black Friday where we mourn the loss of so many of our turkey peeps. We will always fondly remember those gobbles heard in the early morning, the handsome feathers and buff bods! Freda has always had a thing for a "Tom".
So to our dear turks no longer among us, you sacrificed so others could enjoy. Rest well and know your legacy lives on in the leftovers of today! Sniff. Follow the Fowl!
Friday, October 29 2010
It's Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda!!! and it is almost Halloween! Around here Halloween is definitely for the birds and our peeps are definitely getting excited! A stray feline did sneak in but... apparently as it is only the head it doesn't seem to dangerous. Freda & I put last minute touches on the table, of course due to Debra's tra la la nature the pumpkin is smiling and the mini quilt piece says "inspire"!
A new baby has joined the peeps so everything has to be explained, like why is this pumpkin white and not orange. Why do the leaves sparkle? Well the real answer is that is what you get when you reside with a designer, nothing is ever the color it is supposed to be and glitter is a fact of life!
Happy Halloween Everyone! Have a safe & spooktacular weekend! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Friday, October 22 2010
It's Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Fran here, Freda is not up yet, she is apparently reading a new book and was "reading" late. It has a lot of pictures so not sure how much reading she has to do but it is a book and she has it open turning pages. She fell asleep with the book on top of her and it wrinkled her feathers so a long steamy shower for her when she gets up!
So Halloween is coming up and Debra is planning her costume for a party, I think she has forgotten about our costumes. We sneaked into the fabric stash the other night along with Oliver. We found a bin of fabric to choose from with bright colors especially an orange piece for Freda. I want to be a witch and Freda wants to be a pumpkin. Oliver wants to be a lion but may have to settle with the cheetah print we found, maybe a Tarzan look? We wait for date night while Debra is out. Then the scissors and fabric will be in action, add a little fabri-tac glue, glitter and the costumes will ready for party time!
Have a fun fowlicious weekend! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda
Friday, October 08 2010
Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Fall is here & Freda is getting frisky! Those who follow us may remember the incident with rooster from Cape Breton last summer, the one that Freda met on Well all I can say it ended with Debra returning to empty wine bottles rolling around on the deck and Freda dancing and singing "Oh what a night!"
Well last night Freda got into the wine and embarrassed herself by making a pass at the metal rooster that sits on the counter. What was she thinking!? apparently not much. I couldn't bear to look, she commented after he seemed a little cold. First clue might be because he is made of metal! Anyway locking the wine away after this latest incident! (At least he can't get her in the family way like the rooster from Cape Breton did) Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends & to our feathery turkey cousins good luck on the Thanksgiving vegetarian movement. Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Friday, October 01 2010
It's our favourite day! Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Next week is our Thanksgiving and today Debra finally got out some fall decor sprinkling silk leaves everywhere. Last Thanksgiving at the house filled with daughters, the dreaded felines and of course us, we had some fun with the decor. Debra bought these blocks which spelled out "Give Thanks" which true it is always good to be grateful for what we have. However we thought "Gave Thinks" sounded good. Who wouldn't be grateful for some extra thought?! (We know Freda is looking for some) So then the fun really began between us and the girls. Everytime Debra was out we would switch the letters and spell something else, "vegan shtink" was frowned upon although our turkey peeps would be thankful for that one we are sure! Now that the blocks are out once again we have a whole week to have fun with them! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda
Friday, September 24 2010
Fran & Freda here! Well with all the excitement around here this week you would think there was six feet of snow in the yard! It is still September and the leaves are just turning however Debra has a thing about snowy creatures. She was in 7th heaven when FloraCraft asked her to create an entire snowy Cottage Scene which is now splashed all over the website home page! (OK a slight exaggeration but there is a photo and video) Pointing out our page is STILL not finished! Our fans are so disappointed!
In support of Fall and the festivities still to come, (we are hoping Debra does become a Halloween fan at some point, she does have a Halloween devotee in her life now!) So here we are creating our own Fall fun! Did we also mention there is a Dollar Store within walking distance, two aisles of Halloween delights, glitz and ghouls, skulls and swashbuckles. We whipped up a nest, Freda's toes are still glued together but hey we got the job done. We will be relaxing in Scary Style from now till the big night! Then the treats will fill our nest! (Hmm not sure if that is hygenic, a little cleaner and rinse we will be good to go! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Friday, September 17 2010
Fowl Friday! Fran & Freda here, still without our page YET! but been a busy week in the loft! Debra made her first video, we are hanging out in the background. Thought she was going to introduce us but no she forgot that important step! I guess if we were needle felted like the two little pastel peeps in the video we would have been at least mentioned.
It turned into a very long day as Debra had to make several attempts making the video. Apparently cue cards would have been very helpful as hard as it is to believe she forgot what to say several times. We tried not to laugh and remain professional at all times although Freda did lose her balance once or twice. Not a big deal although one fall caused her to kick Debra's hand and she almost punctured her finger with the needle tool.
More videos will be made and perhaps we will be mentioned. We are going to be on our best behaviour to make that happen. Youtube here we come! Lights, Action, Camera for this feathery fowl! We will sign autographs! Follow the Fowl!
Friday, September 03 2010
Fran here for Fowl Friday! Well it is about time! Debra has been promising us our own page forever and now it looks like it is going to be a reality! She has been updating the website and we got a sneak peek at the link boxes. There we were "Fran & Freda" although since she is making the frames square my feet are cut off! Why she couldn't have cut off Freda's head instead I don't know. Freda as we know doesn't always use her head anyway. She never reads this so no worries...So by the next Fowl Friday our page, lots of pics and our incredible story will be revealed!
We were getting a little concerned as Debra has another cutesy type bird hanging around way too much! Apparently another whole blog is coming for that bird called "the empty nest chronicles". Anyway we are of the opinion cute is way overrated. I would much rather be "interesting looking & highly intelligent" and guess what, I am! Freda has half of it although she sees herself as the cute type. Anyone looks cute after a bottle of wine especially to a rooster! There is a long weekend ahead, enjoy all, barbecue (just not c-h-i-c-k-e-n), swim, hang out with your peeps! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Friday, August 27 2010
Fran & Freda hereit's Fowl Friday!
Apparently we have been kept in the dark regarding many things lately. It is not a good feeling at all! My intuition has been saying over and over something is not right, something smells foul, pardon the pun! Well with a little late night snooping some things have been revealed that Debra was keeping from us. Her reasons we can only surmise, we try to give her the benefit of the doubt. (At least Freda does, she is much more trusting than I am but then again look what happened to her and that rooster from Cape Breton incident.)
What we (I) have uncovered! 1. Debra has said no chocolate allowed. Yet late at night the aroma of brownies is in the air. Apparently someone is allowed to have them!
2. Absolutely no alcohol (apparently the result of Freda's slight indiscretion involving dancing, an empty wine bottle, a certain rooster who still remains nameless & Freda's getting knocked up to put it bluntly) yet often there are two empty wine glasses visible in the morning.
3. WE are not allowed to walk on the counters, the tables, the mantel or any of the furniture yet there is a whole flock of new birds who can apparently perch anywhere the choose. The pink ones sit everywhere, they do not even speak to us, their so perfect beaks are always up in the air as they twitter away or preen constantly.
We could go on forever about the injustice of it all! Yet we will rise above the indignities, pull up our big gal panties and get on with it! Happy Fowl Friday Peeps!
Friday, August 20 2010
Fran here for Fowl Friday! Freda & I thought living here in this loft feline free would be so relaxing but no not at all! Debra loves to decorate, has a thing about birds apparently and is sticking them everywhere. It looks very painful as she applies it with sticky paper and then rubs over it very hard with this little flat thing.
On the way by with the ladder she stopped and looked at us with that "hey I just got a great idea look". That was a very scary moment as she looked closely at our feet. I know she was thinking we would be perfect hanging from the sloped ceiling over the stairway. How we would be stuck there I cannot even imagine.
Also it is not well known but Freda is afraid of heights. Being a bird it is something that has haunted her since she was a chick and she was thrown off the feeder into the dirt. So hanging above a two storey stairwell could send her into a lifetime of therapy.
Luckily Debra's attention was diverted and she went off to hang more birds above the storage unit. We are hoping she is finished "feathering her nest". Seems to enjoy it way tooo much! Anyway we were lucky this time! She is just way too happy these days and full of ideas.
Till next time, Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda and we intend to keep our feet firmly planted on the ground!
Friday, August 13 2010
Fran here for Fowl Friday! Not meaning to complain (although Debra says we do often and loudly!) but life in the new city is not so good for us. Sure the loft with the big windows has a great view. We have met some friendly crows and the odd seagull, (I mean really odd, Freda is not the best judge of character but when this gull flew by backwards showing her well too much, we decided not to say "hi" to that neighbor!)
Other than that though Debra is either happily working away, entertaining or out leaving us alone way too much! We are even starting to miss those felines that used to live here. At least they paid attention to us although the missing feathers sometimes was a bit annoying! Anyway I guess we will just have to get a life as they say! Freda wants to get back on but considering the trouble she got into with the rooster from Cape Breton (she falls hard for an accent) that is not an option in this place! So for now we would appreciate any help with suggestions as to what we can do with our little feathery lives! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda
Friday, August 06 2010
We made it!! We are fabulous fall fowl for Creative Homearts! Just go to projects and there we are looking mighty fine if I do say so myself! You too can now have your very own Fran & Freda! (Debra says we should come with a warning label and instruction book but what does she know!) Just keep the champagne flowing along with breakfast in bed and we are easy! (especially Freda, we all know about that rooster from Cape Breton incident) Anyway we are soooo excited, wish I was a rooster, would be crowing from the rooftops!
We are spending the day at home answering congratulory emails and ready to sign autographs for the multitude of fans who will stop by. (Debra says not to expect too much and she is supposed to be the optimist!) We don't care, we are ready with pens in hand um wing and in Freda's case foot. (Her fine motor skills are confined to her feet only!) So we are off to celebrate!!! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Friday, July 23 2010
Well Fowl Friday is here once again, sigh as if Debra really cares. No CHA (Craft & Hobby) show for us next week, no fluffy bed in a hotel, no pool side or the hope of room service. She is off on a fun family event and we are stuck at home! We also hear rumors of more trips which do not include us at all! She is loving her new life here, us not so much! So for all you fowl fans a trip down memory lane when life was really good for us! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Friday, July 09 2010
WELL finally Fowl Friday! The moving has finally stopped, when Debra does anything it is never halfway! Not content with moving both her daughters and herself once in three weeks, she decides to move twice in a week! We do approve, that being Freda and myself Fran of the new space! The loft is perfect for us of the bird persuasion and we have our own room! Debra calls it the guest room but hey we are perennial guests. Love the new towels, great for nesting.
The big windows have a great view of the water and sunsets, "romantic" some around here say as that certain someone goes floating by in a pink dress and dreamy smile. Anyway enough said. Freda's photoshop skills are nil but she wanted a picture in the big windows so here she is pretending to be an eagle, I am thinking seagull more realistic! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Friday, June 11 2010
The day has come! The house is feline free! Freda and I are rid of the feline terrors at last! They left for PEI with Kate, we miss Kate but not the C A T S!!! Freda is doing the happy dance! I am afraid she is so happy she might pull a muscle or wear out her toes doing the dance! Debra left us for a couple days to get Kate settled in her new place. We partied just a little, well Freda did have some male company, a new rooster friend she met on He swept her off her feet with his Frencch Canadian accent, he is from a farm up near Tracadie, NB. I don't find him particularly charming but apparently Freda does! Anyway we managed to clean up all the evidence before Debra got home! I think she was a litte suspicious with the clink in the garbage bag, Freda likes her wine!
So another week and we are out of here ourselves! Debra is off on a new adventure in a new city. She is smiling a lot and has a happy glow, kind of like Freda's but different. Freda doesn't believe in long term relationships but Debra is a committed kind of gal! So the summer is shaping up to be filled with adventures and travel, if we play our cards right we might be able to sneak into her suitcase now and then. If not we will have fun at home, Freda's Tracadie rooster has GPS and I am looking for a rooster myself. I need a little more intellectual stimulation than Freda does, so a rooster who can put more than three words together is required! So that is the scoop for Fowl Friday! Fran & Freda!
Debra is off tonight for a very special reason, the Relay for Life, twelve hour walk 7pm to 7am in honor of her friend Donna who lost her battle with cancer in April. She walks as part of Team Donna and part of a special event that is committed to celebrating the Survivors, honoring those lost and committed to treatment and finding a cure!
Friday, May 28 2010
Fran here on Fowl Friday! We are two frazzled fowl! Debra has had us on duster duty everyday, not only is the feather duster getting thin but my tail feathers are falling out. No sympathy around here, Debra just picks them up and glues them into feather duster!
Meanwhile those fluffy felines around here do nothing but spread their hair. Also they might be pretty to the human eye but bright they are not. I know Freda isn't the smartest chick about but she is a genius next to the feline trio. As I peck out this post, the youngest Bella is sitting in the screened window pressing her nose against the screen. On the other side of the screen a very large hornet is buzzing away. I wonder how big a cat's nose can swell? Guess we will find out! or not, Debra will probably rescue the fluff ball! The same fluff ball also thinks the fish bowl is a water dish, apparently climbing on a shelf and stretching as far as you can reach and putting your head into oversized bowl is normal for felines!
Packing is underway and Freda found out that packing tape also is very hazardous to feathers. I wonder what it might do to cats, if they were bald our dusting days would be over! Hmm must ponder that thought and its execution. Debra is busy this weekend.....Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Thursday, May 13 2010
Fowl Friday! Freda & Fran here! Well there is feathery fallout on the homefront! The nest is on the market and the traffic coming through has all hands, wings on deck. Clean, clean, clean! Debra has us dusting, mopping & wearing our already very bony feet to the bare... We are slightly suspicious as the feather duster somewhat resembles the feathers of a close friend, Debra assures us they are synthetic, however I am skeptical, they look quite real to me. I am definitely more of a feather expert than she is! So everyday we clean, hoping someone takes pity on our plight and buys this place. We are not cut out for hard labor! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Friday, April 30 2010
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Big news we are apparently getting ready to fly the coop this summer. Debra is off this weekend checking out some new nests for us to feather. We of course put in a request for certain amenities, a word we have heard often this past couple weeks! I want an ensuite, Freda would like a jacuzzi to soak in. Her legs get tired from all the dancing and she loves her bubbles! A yard with a pool of course or at least a pond for us, ocean view and maid service. Debra has often remarked we have maid service already, her. Don't tell her but as a maid she is not so great, in fact we would fire her but since we don't pay her that is kind of hard to do and she does own the place!
So while Debra is gone we were given instructions to declutter the coop. That is not easy, you never know when one red rubber boot might be needed, bottle caps, shoelaces, shower cap with holes we got some good stuff! We can't part with any of it but Debra is tough and says we better smarten up or we could end up on Hoarders! Sigh so we will try to purge while she is gone! Wish us luck! Fran & Freda
Friday, April 23 2010
Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! You know the expression a chicken with it's um head cut off, well that would describe Debra and her daughter Kate at present! They are having a big garage sale on Saturday, so big in fact we were slightly worried that we might end up in the craft section. Ah yes Debra has sections, did we mention she likes to organize everything! There is electronics, household, furniture, toys, holiday and crafts. Oops I almost forgot outdoor equipment and gardening which will be of course outside the garage. Then items have colored stickers denoting their price point, red for $5, yellow for $3, you get the idea. Kate is serving up tasty muffins for those attending the sale.
Debra is downsizing and Kate will be leaving the nest shortly so stuff has got to go! Debra will never have a completely empty nest as she will always have us. We will be a little sad to leave this house but not sad that the felines are going with Kate! We will be able to shake our feathers without fear or frolic in the bath without furry intervention!
So at the crack of dawn Debra and Kate will be up and busy on Saturday. Freda & I have just requested they be quiet so our beauty sleep is not interrupted. Debra apparently said something I did not quite hear, had to do with chicken wings and supper I think. Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Friday, April 16 2010
IT's Fowl Friday!!! Fran here! Freda well of course she is here too! (Body yes mind a little iffy) This week we have been travelling, not too far though and the transportation has been over bumpy country roads. Freda gets car sick so Debra's solution is just to put her in a ziplock bag (with an air vent). Not sure the SPCA would approve though! We were part of a presentation at the Keswick Ridge Quilt Guild. The ladies were so nice and we had fun! This weekend we are off again to the Scotiabank Relay for Life Fashion Show. No, we were not asked to model even with our great legs but we will be there to support the cause and Debra of course!
At home things are not good. It is spring and the felines in residence have spring fever big time! Their favorite toys to toss around are these brightly colored plastic coiled springs. These springs look suspiciously very much like our legs.
A coincidence we think not or at least I don't. Freda and thinking not a strong combination, I think it is all the dancing! Anyway even though Debra keeps us high on a shelf in her studio those cats keep eyeing us. It is very uncomfortable, we have watched them climb up to the fish bowl on another shelf and drink from his bowl. Beta fish are not too bright either, when the cat takes a drink he swims to the top, one day soon he is going to be a fish slurpy!
Life is never dull around here! Freda and I are going to start wearing leg warmers to keep the cats from eyeing our legs. Even though they have those coil toys everywhere it does not seem to be enough! So these chicken legs are heading for cover, I am thinking pink or purple striped leg warmers with a floral accent, Freda's choice animal print. She wants a new look for her profile photo on (Watch out roosters) Have a fowlish fun weekend! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Friday, April 09 2010
Fran here for Fowl Friday! Today will be short and sweet, just like us. Although Freda has this illusion that she is some tall chick with long legs. I think she has some body image issues...Debra has a dear friend who is in the final stages of her life. So we just want to say we are thinking of a wonderful woman and her family today. Debra's friend has been part of her life for many years, more than thirty since she was just a young chick herself like moi! (not saying she is old now but you do the math 30+ yikes!) Anyway to life, love & dear friends! Hug a peep today! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Friday, April 02 2010
It's Fowl Friday! Freda is busy laying and dyeing her eggs for the annual Easter egg hunt! Presently she seems oblivious to the fact her tail feathers are brightly multi colored as well! Debra's daughters were also in the kitchen making a rainbow cake so it is a color filled world around here! A perfect segue here speaking of color, Debra's partner Deborah Peyton, a talented illustrator and responsible for drawing us so delightfully! The two of them have been busy collaborating on designs for fabric. Here is a sneak peek peeps! Follow the Fowl!
Friday, March 26 2010
Fowl Friday! Fran here without Freda today. She is nursing a twisted neck, nothing too serious but requiring an ice pack. She is not a good patient, quite demanding in fact! Bring me juice, fluff my feathers, scratch my foot, no the left one. Luckily I could escape with the excuse I had to write today's blog post. It is going to take me soooo much time to peck it out today! Then of course I have to clean the keyboard. Debra complains I spit or drool when posting. She is kind of a neat freak anyway although while she was finishing her book proposal this week things got a little on the messy side. The dust bunnies were getting scary, even the cats looked afraid! There was so much fabric piled up in her studio I couldn't see out the window! Yes I know I am not the tallest chick but still I usually have no trouble enjoying the view. There is a cute red cardinal who visits the old apple tree everyday.
However I digress...back to Freda and her neck. How did it happen, I am sure you all want to know and I can't wait to tell you! Last evening as we got ready for bed Freda decided to try something. I am not sure what she sees when she looks in the mirror but her body image is apparently not accurate. Beside the bed is a bird cage filled with dried hydrangea from the garden and roses which keep arriving regularly for Debra. (Another story for when she is away!) Well Freda decided to "stop and smell the flowers" and proceeded to do so by cramming herself through the bars. Apparently she thought she could fit easily but apparently she couldn't as she is slightly wider than the bars! Her neck was wedged and we had to pry her out. A little olive oil helped ease her out. The dove assisted and managed to be very sympathetic with only a small grin on her pretty pink face. Sigh I would give a million for those cheek bones! Anyway Freda's neck is slightly swollen but very soft from the oil. A weekend of resting will help, no Saturday night disco for her! Till next Fowl Friday! Fran
Friday, March 19 2010
It is FOWL FRIDAY! Fran here with Freda as we all know by now the dancing fool! She has been trying some new moves which have resulted in her putting something out of joint! We have been immersed this week in a heated debate with a couple of apparently adorable "chicks" that Debra has out for her so called spring decor. Just what we need more birds and eggs around here. Freda & I seem to be lacking apparently in the too cute factor. We think cute is vastly over rated. Sassy and smart is in, that's us well that's me anyway, Freda is a little iffy at times but does surprise me often with her in depth analysis of the agricultural news. She keeps me current on how many roosters are within a 100 mile radius.
Back to these chicks who are barely dry out of some very strange looking eggs and yet feel they know everything! The big debate has been of course "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" They hold the position of the egg coming first or there wouldn't be any chickens. Freda and I maintain the chicken came first or how could there be any eggs to begin with. It isn't like a reptile one day long ago laid its usual eggs and surprise, a chick popped out of one. What ever anyone believes we all came from some where to start this whole planet and so did a chicken! We are working on tracing our ancestry to settle this debate with these chicks who definitely need a feather cut!
The only break we have had lately is when one of the in house felines decided to "entertain" the chicks. They disappeared and were found later under the couch a little dusty and damp but fine. Now they are back perched on the sideboard waiting for more chicks to join them. Personally I think the chances of those "eggs" hatching anything else would be a miracle! So the debate will continue while Debra is busy finishing a book proposal and several deadlines. Her studio is, what did she call it earlier this week "creative frolic", we are thinking it looks like a fabric explosion! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Thursday, March 11 2010
It's Fowl Friday! Fran here and as usual Freda is doing her own thing, dancing to Mama Mia this morning! Way too early for Abba personally but Freda is a big fan! Speaking of being fans we are the biggest fans of the most marvellous Ms. Margot Potter! At CHA summer show we got a chance to meet her in person wearing of course one of her gorgeous tiaras. She is stylishly cool, writes awesome books on beading and crafting, is a fabulous Mom, talented performer, writer and all around one of the smartest, generous, honest and wonderful young women these two chicks have ever met.
Travelling with Debra does have its perks even if she doesn't let us order room service, we do get to meet some very cool creative people! Margot is on the top of our list. (ps. Freda hasn't washed her beak since Margot held it in this picture. Of course you can guess why she really was holding it, Freda is one chatty chick!) Follow the Fowl Fran & Freda!
Friday, March 05 2010
It is Fowl Friday! Fran here & Freda who as usual is dancing around while I do the writing! Yesterday Debra revealed her addiction to making Bunnies but we know for a fact that is not the only "B" fondness shall we say in her creative life! In the latest issue of Crafts 'n Things magazine she has two Bird projects, she has designed Bird fabric. Just because we are not soft and fluffy with long ears and have ticklish feathers and scrawny legs instead is no reason to ignore a whole fine flock of feathery friends!
Designed for Dow featured in Crafts 'n Things
Here I am early morning, no makeup, no topknot consoling Oliver as his twin sister Olive left to seek fame and fortune in the latest issue of Crafts 'n Things!
So there you have it, the unvarnished truth, there are more "B" in Debra's life than she care to admit to! Lucky she has us around, her friendly fowl to keep her on the feathery straight and narrow! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Friday, February 26 2010
Fowl Friday got off to a late start due to some technical difficulties and Freda's love of bubble bath. She spends waaay too long in that soaker tub plus singing at the top of her lungs! Anyway I digress from the vital and disturbing issue of today. We are in the midst of a snowstorm, the snow is falling in big heavy wet clumps and Debra decides we need some exercise. The kind of exercise that requires going outside in the snow! We chickens have short legs, I am thinking Debra is aware of this by now after our being in residence for almost a year. Freda is fine she always rides on my back but moi! my short but so shapely legs will be buried along with the rest of me. I do not want to smother in snow, I have so much life ahead of me! The snow attire consists of a very fluffy scarf which might smother us even before we get outside!
Our protests are being ignored, Debra thinks there is a little too much fluff happening in our belly area so it is a walk outside apparently! Does she not think being chased around by two ragdoll kittens almost every day is a workout?! Sigh. If we are not around for next Fowl Friday you will know there are a couple pair of chicken legs sticking out of a snowbank in eastern Canada! We also do not want to miss any of the Olympics, the Canadian Women's Team took gold!!! Sigh, Debra has the door open, we have to go. Think of us in the cold blinding blizzard! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Friday, February 19 2010
Fran here for Fowl Fridays! Freda is tooooo busy to join us. Once again she tries something new and she is oblivious to anything else! (remember the rooster from, need I say more) This time though she is using her mind and trying Zentangle. Zentangle is doodling, using a fine pen and small squares of art paper to create beautiful artistic designs with intricate patterns. It is relaxing and frees the mind, not thinking Freda needs any freer mind than she has already! Anyway she has not showered or eaten since yesterday and has gone through three pens already. Her talent well Everyone is creative, (can't live with Debra and believe anything else! that is what I tell her anyway!) So Freda is doing her thing which seems to involve a lot of "chicken scratch" and marks that look like she walked all over the paper. (doing it in the dark last night she probably did!)
I am all for encouraging Freda but I wish she would get an easel!
Till next Fowl know what Freda will be up to and me sigh I may have droopy tail feathers by then! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda!
Friday, February 12 2010
Debra is humming away getting ready for a Valentine weekend. Meanwhile Freda and I have been noticing Debra has been keeping a couple of things from CHA unopened. Curiosity is not just for cats so last night Freda and I sneaked into the office and opened the files. What we discovered was so shocking Freda almost screamed but I grabbed her beak and held it shut. She is still coughing up feathers! Apparently some stupid looking bird Debra made a few months ago with tape measure tail feathers, really! has been published in Crafts 'n Things magazine! Debra promised that WE were the only feathery stars in this nest! What have we gotten so far, just a bunch of empty promises apparently! Sigh we are dejected, droop has invaded are usually perky feathers. We want to be just another pair of pretty faces peeking out of somewhere!
So that is our sad story, yes we may be vain and superficial but someone has to be so it might as well be us! Fran & Freda fabulous Fowl! Follow the Fowl!
Friday, February 05 2010
Fran here! We are back from Anaheim and the Craft & Hobby Association Trade Show (CHA)! Debra had us run ragged with all of the show events. Well not actually we got to sit in the booth all day looking pretty while she ran off to book signings and demos. At the end of the show though we got to spend time in the sunshine by the pool. We had to share our sunshine with Oliver Owl, Debra brought him along as well to keep us in line! That was funny as who was the first one to the champagne celebration and poolside? Freda & I think the JLo glasses are a bit much but hey his first time to sunny California. He was a bit star struck after seeing Carol Duvall, the Crafty Chica, Tiffany, Heidi and Aleene, the marvellous Margot Potter and many other of his crafty favorites!
It also did not help that little clones of Oliver popped up by the pool too! We just had to suck it up and let him have his day in the limelight! Here we are with his new buddies Fleur de Hoot and some surfer dude with a very fetching Mohawk!
(Fleur de Hoot created by Marie Browning and surfer dude by Helen Bradley)
Not wanting to start any rumors but you probably notice in the picture that Fran and I are the only two standing and Oiver's glasses well slighty askew. While we were in the pool apparently a bottle of bubbly appeared and the owls pretty much partied hardy!
So apparently the saying about the wise old owl well then you have never taken a trip with one, try three! I know Freda has had her moments (the incident with the rooster from, the bottles and her dancing on the deck singing "oh what a night) however she is a tame turkey um chicken when compared to those owls. They know how to party!
So it is back to the snow, bikinis packed away and Debra busy on show follow up what ever that is. The only thing we are following is catching up on our favorite shows we missed. Remember to Follow the Fowls! Fran & Freda! We are lobbying for a FB Fan page, Debra pleeease!!!
Friday, January 08 2010
Well less than two weeks till CHA! Debra is surprisingly calm but Freda & I really think it is because she is sleep deprived and so not really with it. The evidence being her overlooking our minor indiscretions of birdseed in the sheets and slushy footprints from the front door, up the cupboards into the sink. (the tub just seemed too far to go for a footbath!)
Want to meet us in person at CHA? Shameless self promotion here as our very divine Ms. Margot Potter would say! Stop by our booth in the License & Design #2639 section of the show, we will be there in the feathery flesh along with some other of our fowlicious friends like Oliver Owl!
Travel to the show we hear for us Canadian birds will be a little tricky, stuffed in the luggage between Debra's unmentionables, nice color choices though if you like pink, pink and more pink! We embellish but hey we are the height of embellishment ourselves.
So see you at the show just follow the bird tracks! Follow the fowl Fran & Freda!
Friday, December 18 2009
Yesterday was the anniversary of a very special day, eighteen years ago on December 17th my youngest daughter arrived. Twelve days old on a very snowy day, a car seat hastily borrowed from a dear friend Claire to bring her home in. Her Dad went to school to pick up our nine year old, all she wanted for Christmas was a baby sister and her wish came true. I sat holding baby Katy when Amanda walked in, such a surprised look on her face, then excitement and happy tears. We placed a cradle under the tree and baby Katy slept there as the visitors came. It was a Christmas to remember always!
And now as it is Fowl Friday I turn over the blog to Fran who will fill you in on how yesterday was celebrated with the annual Gingerbread House creation! Each year the girls choose a theme for the Gingerbread House and at the ages of eighteen and twenty-seven there is no cute red and green with an elf here and there. This year the theme is a tribute to Michael Jackson's Thriller!
Finally Fran here. Well the table was littered with all kinds of stuff, the sweet sticky kind of which there is never enough!
The girls were all dressed cozy in hoodies and jeans while visions of tombstones were decked out in jelly beans!
When up on the roof there arose such a clatter, Kate tried to shoo us off, it just didn't matter. We tried to stick a gummy worm here or there but the girls said no, twas so unfair!
Soon the house was finished with strange delight and for all it was indeed a very Merry Night!
Friday, December 11 2009
'Tis the season, a sad season for fowls like Freda & myself, Christmas dinner we won't even go there! Meanwhile Debra goes about the house with the holiday music playing really loud, singing and dancing with lights twinkling here and there. We think she is way too happy these days and has completely ignored us all together for weeks! We are so sad stuck in this snowy landscape, one step outside and icicles start hanging from our tail feathers. The experience of sticks of frozen water on your person is not pleasant AT ALL! Our friends are all heading south, they are snowbirds ready to fly as soon as the Holidays are over. Soon they will be lazing on sandy beaches while we are here picking ice out of very delicate regions! Debra has been enjoying travelling south lately, you would think she might have offered to take us but oh no there isn't any room for two fowl when "lovebirds" are travelling.
So we can only dream of lazing in the sun and say Bon Voyage to our friends. We will have to be content with sunny afternoons and lazing on the sewing table inside along with those stupid cats who think that a sunny spot anywhere is wonderful!
The December issue of Creative Homearts magazine features two of our Snowbird friends ready to take off for warmer skies. Debra apparently created them, nice outfits, hope we at least get a hat and scarf set for Christmas! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Friday, November 27 2009
Freda & I appreciate it is a season of thanks giving and gratitude especially living with Debra who celebrates both Thanksgivings, the earlier Canadian one and yesterday in honor of all her US friends.
So what are we two chickens thankful for, I am sure inquiring minds want to know! First of all we are thankful we are not Turkeys, we lost many friends yesterday so Black Friday seems appropriate. Freda is wearing so much black today I thought she was getting ready for next Halloween early. We are thankful for a warm place to live although we really are lobbying for pima cotton sheets, 500 thread count. Not thinking that possible but one can dream! of course we would dream so much better on those sheets! hint, hint. We are thankful that chicken legs are not prone to cellulite no matter what we eat. We are grateful for tail feathers that do not droop well only slightly when wet but otherwise still very perky! Freda is grateful for still being able to see her feet even though she is in the family way. (I am thinking she is growing an ostrich in there and glad she has forgotten the reason she can see her feet, they are swollen and huge!)
Seriously though we are truly grateful for there is always some moment in each and every day that makes us do the happy chicken dance! Follow the Fowl! Fran & Freda
Friday, November 20 2009
We are in a frump! That is a cross between a slump and a grump fowl style. It is Fowl Friday and we are feeling fowlish!!! Not only did Debra head off to sunny California without us and leave us here to fend for ourselves with all these dreadful C A T S but she proceeds to send these delightful emails back, she has been to the beach, she has been here, she has been there, she has been on a tour of the famous Alvarado Street Bakery featured in the new Michael Moore Film! and got to tour Mrs. Grossman's Sticker Company and meet Mrs. Grossman herself. Pics etc all to follow when her highness returns!
Freda as you can see is literally climbing the walls in her frump stricken state, her tail feathers are drooping, some are falling out. We could be bald by the time Debra returns from this trip. Will she care, we think not as she wheels her bag by us draping a pink scarf over our little featherless selves! So gathering my wits, featherless as they are I must think of something suitable to greet her with on this return home. Hmm! all suggestions welcome, just keep in mind within the realm of the law yet slightly distressing or uncomfortable will work! Follow the Fowl, Fan & Freda!
Friday, November 06 2009
Well the unthinkable is about to happen in this Fowl's world! Another feline is about to enter the premises. Freda was doing the happy dance when one cat just left with the oldest daughter moving out but another one arrives Monday! Bella Blue, another one of those hairy floppy ragdoll cats. What these people see in the feline species we do not know. Freda is so upset she is roosting on top of the bookcase in the office and of course her being in the family way, is there no consideration for her!
Freda & I were thinking of a hunger strike in protest but that seems a bit drastic, low blood sugar and all can't risk it. Any strike in general won't work as apparently it is a done deal and apparently our contribution to household life is next to nil according to Debra. Luckily she needs our very witty input for Friday's Fowl Friday blog, our words not hers exactly. (sigh) Well nothing left to do but accept the new feline and hang onto our tail feathers for dear life. Felines have a very strange affectation for feathers, I suggest much needed therapy for the condition! Till next Friday when we will be back hopefully with all our feathers intact! Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! (Debra insisted so below is the feline who is arriving, yuch!)
Friday, October 30 2009
Fran here! Debra is off to a big Halloween partay tonight so Freda and I are holding down the coop big time! Our first Halloween woo hoo! Costumes are in the works but we had to decorate the nest before anything else! Our monetary situation is somewhat limited but the dollar store has great stuff so we found what we needed. Debra has lots of scraps, glue so we raided the craft room. A big foam block, some sparkly fabric and we were all set. Note for next year, Fabri-tac by Beacon great glue but wicked on tail feathers, Freda kind of glued herself to the counter resulting in a missing feather or two! It was pull them out or leave her squawking with feet in the air! All in all we sparkled , glued and conjured up a frightfully fabulous nest for the big night! Boo to you all fowlicious friends!
Friday, October 16 2009
Fran here! We just got back from Quilt Market in Houston! It was fabulous! Hot enough to fry a feather or two! We had a blast at the show! Fabric, fun & frolic and big news for us but we can't say, even if you try to pry our beaks apart. These chicken lips are sealed! Freda well she might be a different story, you know her and wine so keeping the bottles corked tight till the reveal!
We enjoyed the Hilton rooming with Phyllis Dobbs and of course Debra. Phyllis designs all kinds of fun fabrics with dogs and cats on them. We don't hold it against her she is a cool chick herself! Debra allowed us to look at the Room Service menu and drool how ever no such luck in having some cute server deliver it. It was a quick smoothie on the way to the show!
Even though we worked our pretty little tail feathers off in the Homearts booth at the show we still didn't get room service. Thinking next time we get our own room!
All in all it was a great trip! Follow the fowl! Fran & Freda!
Friday, October 09 2009
We made it to Houston!!! Tomorrow we are off to Quilt Market now that we are finally out of the luggage!!! Debra seems to think that our being packed between a purple jacket and paisley pj pants was suitable. We are still pulling velvet fluff from the jacket out of our beaks. We almost did not make it through security but charm prevailed, who can resist two hot chicks wearing nothing but a top knot. Oops I guess we should have said three hot chicks although Debra was wearing much more than a topknot, thank goodness!!! We will be taking lots of pics but may have to wait to post until we are home, someone forgot the scan disk. Not naming any names but the chick is tall and wears heels quite a lot. Anyway we are thrilled to be here in fabric heaven! Off to the Homearts booth tomorrow! Follow the Fun, Fran & Freda!!!
Friday, October 02 2009
Its Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Fran here, well in Canada where harvest comes earlier it is almost Thanksgiving, next weekend. Debra is busy adding touches of harvest finery around the house which involves lots of leaves, pumpkins and candles. Always ready to pitch in we decided to design and make a needle felt pumpkin plus! we got to put up the fall message. We are sharing our how-tos for the pumpkin, super easy! This is our first Thanksgiving so we are very excited, not sure what it all means and Debra keeps avoiding the menu subject for some reason. She gave us a bunch of block letters to put with our pumpkin. Her directions were to spell out the message and add our needle felted pumpkin. Seems easy enough even Freda was clear about what we were doing, ( a huge reason to be thankful right there!) We were quite proud when we were finished and finished our display, Debra's reaction to burst out laughing, ruffled our feathers a little I must admit. Apparently it was not "Gave Thinks" but rather "Give Thanks" was the correct message. Personally "Gave Thinks" worked for us, we think there is a big demand for getting thinks, you can never be too smart or thinking too much! All is well, sign has been changed but not till after our photo. Enjoy and make yourself a fuzzy pumpkin patch! Follow the Fowl, Fran & Freda!
Needle Felt Pumpkin
You will need: STYROFOAM TM Ball 2"-4" (depending on pumpkin size you want) Wool Wisps (National Nonwovens) Orange Poppy, Ivy, Cinnamon Clover Needle Felt Tool Bone Folder
How to: 1. Press foam ball on counter to flatten opposite ends. 2. Cover foam ball with orange. Needle felt, add more wool if needed. 3. Use bone folder to score ball evenly. 4. Add thin strips of cinnamon wool into scored seams and needle felt. 5. Add 1" circle of ivy to top of pumpkin and needle felt. 6. Roll ivy into small cylinder and needle felt into stem shape approximately 2". 7. Hold stem in center of top of pumpkin. Needle felt stem into place.
Make several pumpkins in different sizes for a harvest display then "carve" spooky faces with black wool and use them to decorate for Halloween! We are just a couple of crafty chicks! Fran & Freda
Friday, September 18 2009
Well it is Fowl Friday and it is supposed to be Fran & Freda but Freda is unavailable at the moment. If you follow us at all on Fowl Fridays well while Debra was away in Vancouver we were at home behaving. Behaving well not according to Debra, we killed her plants and Freda was slightly tipsy dancing around singing "Oh what a night!" The rooster she met on kind of stayed over too long and Freda enjoyed his company, I will just leave it at that!
Today Debra is like usual working on a couple deadlines in her studio, that requires her use of important spaces and equipment like her sewing table and fabric stash. Freda was found in the "family way" and chose both the sewing table and fabric stash to nest in. Impressed not! Debra is now constructing a nesting box for Fran in the garage after putting a load of pink fabric in the washer. Freda does like her pink! She is washing down her sewing table after and Freda will be comfortably nesting in the garage. Soon there will be little Freds & Fredas running around not sure how they will fit in with the four cats! There maybe a chicken coop in the backyard or we maybe sent off to some farm, city bylaws have to be investigated. Oh Freda, two glasses of wine and she is dancing on the tables and more! The rooster from Cape Breton long gone, he was a party animal, not a family guy. His profile read no kids, no way and child support well chicken feed does not come cheap! Anyway next Friday could be just Fran again, I may need a new sidekick, Freda will be busy after the chicks and wants to gain her figure back before appearing. Her feathers are getting a bit straggly looking.
Updates on delivery day will follow! For now Fowl Friday with Fran!
Tuesday, September 08 2009
Fran & Freda are back! Fowl Friday found them being the biggest fans! My good friend and licensing partner Deborah Peyton finally agreed to create "portraits" of the fowl pair! Deborah has illustrated the last three of my books and created all of the illustrations on my website. She is a very talented cartoonist and illustrator. Her "Day by Day" cartoon strip ran for seven years and had a huge fan base especially her cat character who got his own fan mail. Her animals have lots of character and she has a special affinity for chickens having had a hobby farm where our conversations were occasionally cut short by her running after a renegade chicken. The fresh eggs were another welcome perk, I was hoping she would encourage Fran and Freda in the egg laying department but no such luck! However they can hardly contain themselves to present their "portraits" and tell all!
Fran here! What a day we had Friday! We got to pose for one of favorite people, cartoonist and illustrator Deborah Peyton! It was so exciting, we got to sit on her special drawing table. Of course feet were extra clean, no bits of sawdust at all between the toes. She suggested some poses and helped us to bend just the right way showing off our best features. Freda did inquire about Photoshop as she thought she looked a little chunky. Deborah was so kind she just erased the extra bits for Freda and got her to stretch tall to give a more elongated look. Freda was preening big time after that!
After our sitting with Deborah she took us out for ice cream and let us sit in the front seat beside her with the window wide open. Just threee gals having a good time! It was a great day and Deborah is a nice as she is talented and sure knows how to make a fowl look fabulous! Later Fran & Freda!
Friday, August 28 2009
It is Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda, they of course were very annoyed they could not go on the trip to BC, their wire legs were a security issue. So....they remained behind at home with some simple requests like water the plants and rules like no roosters allowed after 9pm. their own words!
Fran & Freda here, we were devastated at not making the trip to BC, left home to wilt in the heat and humidity. So what are a pair of chicks going to do, make lemonade (and other yummy drinks :) lounge on the patio. Of course we used the watering can diligently as can be seen in this garden shot. Who took the photo, well Freda's been having some success with and this cute rooster from Mactaquac happened to be in town. So he came over for the afternoon, the rules being out by 9, am or pm we were a little fuzzy on and he did make a mean omelet!
The watering can made a great patio accessory filled with flowers. Cousin Flora dropped by and it was party time on the patio. A lot of lemonade was consumed :), it seems to make everything delightfully fuzzy. Consequently we may have missed a pot or two when watering. Not such a big deal in our books, apparently though it was when Ms. Debra returned from her travels to discover empty bottles, an extra houseguest or two and....
Well the pot does look a little dry, dead was her verdict along with four more almost in the same shape. We pleaded our case of heat prostration and despair over being abandoned. The littered patio with empty glasses and Flora wandering unsteadily around singing "Oh what a Night" did not help our case. Next trip we are being cooped up with a sitter, sigh and we are grounded as if we could fly anywhere anyways, big deal! Keep flappin' Feathery Friends! Fran & Freda
Thursday, August 13 2009
It is Fowl Friday and what a fowl day it is! Fran here, Freda is just too upset to speak let alone squawk or blog! Well we were all packed ready to head off to the West Coast with Debra. New bikinis, sunhats and dos all in our bags, passports up to date and off we went to the airport. Then the "fowl" ups began, first of all we were not allowed to travel in our own seat, we had to bear the humiliation of a "pet" carrier under the seat. Two with it chicks stuck under the seat like a common household pet, did they not notice our designer luggage!? Security next and the nightmare continued, I guess wire legs are not a good thing when going through a metal detector, removal of legs not an option so....we had to remain behind as the three of them with non metal legs whisked off in style in the cool new executive pod seats. They were as happy as three peas in a pod and not at all sad to see us left behind. They said they were but ...they lied. sniff sniff! So Freda and I are left behind with the cats at home, such stimulating conversation awaits us, I can hardly wait, umm like which litter box did you use today or how many balls did you chase under the couch? There had better be some great souvenirs coming our way at the end of this trip! Freda promises to be back next week once she has stopped blowing her beak and crying. Poor chick she is bathing in despair literally, her feathers are soggy, the new do is done! So off to console Freda with some popcorn and a good chick flick, maybe ask a few close peeps to join us for a pity party. Next trip thick leg warmers and stowing away in the baggage compartment, these chicks were meant to travel, if a garden gnome can do it then look out world here we come! Fran & Freda!
Friday, July 24 2009
Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda! Who are these chicks? Well one of them is no "spring chicken" but both are definitely "grade A"! Turn offs being cooped up, and anything too corny so I will stop with that and let them take over.
Fran here, Freda being the "spring chicken" that she is also thinks she can dance. She is a huge fan of the show "So You think You Can Dance" but she can't. Chicken legs do not a dancer make and just because you are wearing Xotic felt does not mean you look good wrapped around a pole either! She is still suffering from spring fever & her first attempts at online dating at One wink from a Rhode Island rooster and she is ready to feather dust his coop. Me I tend to be more of a Chicken Little type, I like to do things for myself and raised my whole brood on my own. Enough about us, we want you to meet some of our very cool peeps. Our first post has to be dedicated to the original peeps, available at Easter time for more than fifty years their popularity has created a whole culture "Peepology." Who would have thought a blob of bright yellow marshmallow would have such an impact on the world. Enough peeps are sold every year to circle the earth! Personally we never met a peep we didn't like and during the danger season many take refuge in our coop, the smell can be overpoweringly sweet and a hot day creates a sticky situation but their gratitude is well worth it. Next week we are away at the CHA show in Orlando. Excited, slightly nervous strutting our stuff at the Designer Showcase and staying next to Sea World, (sharks, gulp). We will have lots of exciting news from the show to share on our next Fowl Friday! Fran & Freda