the CEO! Creative Eternal Optimist! Blog
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Tuesday, November 30 2010
inspiration [??nsp??re???n] n
1. stimulation or arousal of the mind, feelings, etc., to special or unusual activity or creativity
2. the state or quality of being so stimulated or aroused
3. someone or something that causes this state
4. an idea or action resulting from such a state
Where do you find inspiration? Why do we need inspiration? To be inspired is to feel really alive, to see something which excites the senses and then want to create from the feeling. I vividly remember being in downtown Houston several years ago when they shot fireworks off the tops of the buildings, they cascaded down reflected in all the glass, it was amazing the explosion of vibrant color. A year later there was a gorgeous quilt inspired by the fireworks hanging at the Quilt Market tradeshow in Houston. The quilter had stood beside me that evening and remarked "this will be my next quilt, Fireworks!"
Nature is always a source of inspiration, I had been wanting to add my writing to beautiful photographs of my own. Visiting the lovely Luther Burbank Gardens in California with a friend who leant me her great camera I was able to take some photos of the beauty found there. Each one touched me and the words easily came to go with the photo. Follow the Joy! Debra, CEO!
Monday, November 29 2010
While visiting Santa Rosa, California recently I so enjoyed seeing light poles wearing bright knit sweaters in gorgeous stripe designs. What a fun idea! Living where there is now a few inches of snow on the ground just about everything here should be wearing a sweater! How fun it would be to see all the poles in bright knits for the winter. Of course some could possibly go missing if in the midst of blizzard like conditions, they would make a great scarf! It made me smile as the poles looked a little sassy below the officious sign they were "forced" to carry! Follow the JOY! Debra

Friday, November 26 2010
Finally Fowl Friday with Fran & Freda. We have been "preempted" the last few weeks because of the Sizzix Triple Play Blog Hop! Not wanting to disappoint our fans Debra is letting us blog today. Actually she is still asleep being early morning and we took action as in "borrowing" her laptop for a short time!
Yesterday was Thanksgiving for our American friends and a very sad day for us of the feathery persuasion. Today is aptly known as Black Friday, for humans a gluttony of shopping after the gluttony of yesterday. For the Fowl among us it is Black Friday where we mourn the loss of so many of our turkey peeps. We will always fondly remember those gobbles heard in the early morning, the handsome feathers and buff bods! Freda has always had a thing for a "Tom".
So to our dear turks no longer among us, you sacrificed so others could enjoy. Rest well and know your legacy lives on in the leftovers of today! Sniff. Follow the Fowl!
Wednesday, November 24 2010
It is week four of the Sizzix Triple Play Blog Hop featuring the talented designer Eileen Hull's picture frame die, 3D Pro Scoreboards Die #656835.
Since the snow is swirling everything I make lately is winter themed. I used fabrics, ribbon and wool felt to make a winter wall hanging. It is a very versatile die with several pieces so it will be exciting to see what the rest of this wildly creative group comes up with! Happy Thanksgiving! Debra, CEO!

Wednesday, November 24 2010
Sometimes Canada Post overlooks mail. Once found they send a nice letter of apology along with the late delivery. I had been looking for copies of the special edition magazine Quilt Featival featuring my Xotic Felt Owls. It was a nice surprise when I returned last week to have the magazine with CP letter in my mailbox. It was even a bigger surprise to see the little guys on the cover enjoying an outing on a rocky ledge. The design was inspired by the "see, hear and speak no evil monkeys".
 (photo courtesy of Interweave Press)
Tomorrow is another round of the Sizzix Blog Hop. Wishing all of my American friends a Happy Thanksgiving filled with the warmth of family and friends! Follow the JOY! Debra, CEO!
Monday, November 22 2010
I came home from a trip away right into a large local craft show with hundreds of talented artists and crafters. It was my first time at this local show so it was fresh and exciting for me plus I got to hang out all weekend with creative people and one of my best friends, artist Carole Forbes stayed with me. I was immersed in creative enthusiasm, it was wonderful!
At the show I met a talented young jewelry designer and her Mom. Her business "Heart & Soul by LeGoff" They also concocted the cutest tutus which displayed on the wall like a frothy fairytale. THeir exuberant energy was a delight and the tutus disappeared like magic!

A young jewelry designer from Moncton, Christine Poirier, "Tierra" had exquisite pendants, bracelets and earrings. Her unique style reflected her warm personality and energy. It was so refreshing to be among the young talent found at the show and watch their interaction with those who attended. Their pride and passion in following their artistry was inspiring and it created a charming atmosphere. For me missing my daughters at home it was a true gift to spend time with these young women. There is a generation of exciting, confident creative women on their way and we are the women who have launched them. The rest they have made all theirs! Follow the JOY! Debra, CEO!

Thursday, November 18 2010
It is week 3 of the Sizzix Triple Play Blog Hop with the talented Brenda Pinnick's Flower Beauty Bloom die #655455. Brenda kindly sent samples cut from some of her wonderful fabrics. Since I just got back from a week away and off to a big four day event tomorrow I was happy to be able to whip up something fun quickly! I love boots and shoes, got these great purple boots, thinking I would make a "bootonniere"! Considering my schedule lately "These Boots were definitely made for...!" Check out the sixty talented designers in the hop, the projects are amazing!!!

Monday, November 15 2010
I have been visiting sunny Petaluma CA the home of two of my favorite places Alvarado Street Bakery and Mrs. Grossman's Sticker Company. Last year I went on tours of both places, met Mrs. Grossman herself and wrote an article on their eco friendly manufacturing processes for Homearts magazine.
The company is located on the the banks of a park wetlands with large glass windows open to a beautiful view. When we arrived one of the employees was heading in with her dog. The place is bright, friendly and welcoming with tours given and a store on site. There is a big sale going on this week so I did stock up on some items. It is such a delight to visit and reconnect with the people I interviewed last year. It was a wonderful time spent in a lovely place that creates whimsical, fun, bright stickers and products. It all began with a heart sticker, one woman's vision at a kitchen table. Thank you Andrea Grossman!

Saturday, November 13 2010
Travels take us many places and often beyond our destination. We see our world each day but when we travel it is a new world to be viewed with first time delight. I have found since moving that I am more aware of my surroundings. I think that taking a day on a regular basis to visit your life and environment can be both useful and inspiring. Maybe there are changes you want, things that are annoying or not a good fit anymore, visit your life for a day and see what it brings.
I am travelling to the ocean where I find my heart, my home, the waves call to me in a way that nothing else does. I do believe it comes from the summer my Mom pregnant with me swam in the ocean and lived on the beach, for her the happiest summer of her life, in love and glowing. I am so very fortunate to spend this birthday weekend at the ocean. Everything is possible when you have love in your life. Love & be loved, all I believe and know is "Life is simply a love story." Follow the JOY! Debra, CEO!
Thursday, November 11 2010
It is exciting week 2 of the Sizzix Triple Play Blog Hop featuring Karen Burniston's Twist Cube Die. The Twist Cube Die twists and pops up. I have been travelling and am not primarily a paper artist so I opted for using the cube a little differently to save myself some time with logistics. My favorite part is always the decorating well unless it is edible and then the eating is an important part of course!
After seeing what sixty talented designers did in week 1 of the hop with the 3D House, the sky is the limit! I took the cube and used decorative papers to cover all sides leaving one end open as in a gift box. I filled it with decorative vines, berries, added a needle felted bird. Set on a gold plate with more ribbon, pinecones, greenery it makes an ideal centerpiece for my table in my new place.

Wednesday, November 10 2010
Last weekend I got to spend the time with both my Darling Daughters together! It has been five months since we all moved and have been together the three of us. My oldest and I drove over to PEI. I wanted to not let go hugging my youngest! She and her sister had been making plans so there was a surprise cake for us, our birthdays are close and gifts for me from the girls.
We hung out talking, laughing, eating and shopping. A trip to Old Navy found us in matching tops. While cutting the cake Kate snapped several pics, I almost dropped the first piece! It was yummy!
More travelling coming up!

Tomorrow we remember all of those lost, those who serve & protect us. To my friends and their families who have served and serve a wish of deepest gratitude. From my heart, Debra.
Monday, November 08 2010
Last week I had the great pleasure of seeing and meeting Karim Rashid here in Saint John. He is one of the most prolific designers with over 3000 designs in production including the famous Oh chair for Umbra.
He arrived on stage, very tall, dressed in a white suit and pink shoes. He was both inspiring and entertaining with an easy going confident style. The theatre was packed with the enthusiastic audience ranging from students to seniors.
Karim spoke of how good design should be accessible to everyone, items that are inexpensive should be equally aesthetically pleasing. Our homes should be filled with objects that are both beautiful and useful. Our sensibilities are as refined as any "celebrities" and we should decide for ourselves what is beautiful independent of what others endorse.
He spoke of how he approaches design by not living in the world but seeing it with the continual fresh eyes of a "visitor" always questioning. Change is constant and the past is irrelevant in his design world. He made the comment that fashion looks to the past constantly chasing itself in a continual circle.
He answered questions from the audience and stayed around in the lobby following to speak to people expressing a genuine appreciation and sincerity. One of the questions asked of him regarded how he chose his clients to work with. He remarked his office is quite wild so if they are uncomfortable in his office it probably won't work out as a potential client. He also said he made his decisions now if there is a connection with the eyes that is the deciding factor. He is a remarkable talent and amazing human being.
Here he is in the lobby with one of many admiring groups of young people. Thank you Karim for sharing your refreshing vision! Follow the JOY! always Debra, CEO!

Thursday, November 04 2010
Today is the day, at noon EST the Sizzix Triple Play Blog Hop goes live with sixty plus designers participating! We all received die cuts from new dies designed by the talented Eileen Hull, Brenda Pinnick and Karen Burniston.
The first week, today is the House, 3D designed by Eileen. I had so much fun playing with this die. It fit together easily and there are step by step instructions to follow. Since I am a winter gal I turned mine into a snowy scene and made the fence into a chimney. I covered the pieces with decorative papers before assembling. I also used crystal glitter to cover the whole house after assembly. Since needle felting is one of my favorite techniques I added a wee snowman.

Supplies: #65279 Sizzix Scoreboards Pro Die, House 3D 2 yards pink ribbon Sizzix 12 x 12 Matboard Crystal Glitter Sizzix Big Shot Pro Die 3- 8 x 8 Decorative Papers Natural Wool National Nonwovens 1 yard Holiday Ribbon 6" Disc, 1" Ball, Mini Egg, STYROFOAM TM Snowflake Brads Modge Podge Crystal Branches 3 Pink Birds 6" Cookie Tin
Tuesday, November 02 2010
The first snow fell on Halloween, it did not last as most first snowfalls don't. Seeing the rooftop a snowy white and the trees sprinkled with snowy crystals still brings that initial excited feeling I remember as a child. I am taking a creativity coaching course on Monday evenings, last night we talked about our inner child inviting them out to play. In our busy responsible adult lives we often lose the inner child, a sense of spontaneity and time to just play.
When we play and do something just for the fun of it our minds are set free and often flooded with new ideas that get us excited. It can give you a fresh outlook on your own life. Even just taking a few minutes for "playtime" can completely change the day ahead bringing a new energy and excitement to your day!
Who is your inner child, maybe you have forgotten or not sure where to find him/her. You can start by making a short quick list of some of the things you loved to do as a child. Remember what it felt like to jump in mud puddles or skip rope. What about the excitement of a new box of crayons, the smell, the colors when you opened the box. Whatever you created with them you loved for it was just the sheer joy of coloring that brought happiness. Last weekend when I spent a couple of hours coloring with an adorable six year old making paper dolls and fancy dresses I remembered how much I loved doing that as a child. It was such fun!
Keeping a box just for play filled with items like crayons, small toys, candy treats that you can take a few minutes to visit. Perhaps instead of or along with a coffee break take a play break and have hot chocolate with marshmallows and just play! Follow the JOY! Debra, CEO!
Monday, November 01 2010
'Tis the day after Halloween, was a very fun weekend spent in a home decorated in grand Halloweeny style! Visual and sound effects had hundreds of kids delighted all week!

and NOW it is on with the November! and the hard core holiday crafting begins! This week also begins the Sizzix Triple Play Blog Hop, cute button on right will magically change this week as 60 designers use new Sizzix dies to create in their own unique style!
FaveCrafts newsletter today features all kinds of great Holiday Santas and Snowmen to make. Several of them I designed for STYROFOAM TM, in the past ten years I have brought quite a few cheeky cheery holiday guys to life! Follow the JOY! Debra, CEO!
