Fran & Freda are back! Fowl Friday found them being the biggest fans! My good friend and licensing partner Deborah Peyton finally agreed to create "portraits" of the fowl pair! Deborah has illustrated the last three of my books and created all of the illustrations on my website. She is a very talented cartoonist and illustrator. Her "Day by Day" cartoon strip ran for seven years and had a huge fan base especially her cat character who got his own fan mail. Her animals have lots of character and she has a special affinity for chickens having had a hobby farm where our conversations were occasionally cut short by her running after a renegade chicken. The fresh eggs were another welcome perk, I was hoping she would encourage Fran and Freda in the egg laying department but no such luck! However they can hardly contain themselves to present their "portraits" and tell all!
Fran here! What a day we had Friday! We got to pose for one of favorite people, cartoonist and illustrator Deborah
Peyton! It was so exciting, we got to sit on her special drawing table. Of course feet were extra clean, no bits of sawdust at all between the toes. She suggested some poses and helped us to bend just the right way showing off our best features. Freda did inquire about Photoshop as she thought she looked a little chunky. Deborah was so kind she just erased the extra bits for Freda and got her to stretch tall to give a more elongated look. Freda was preening big time after that!
After our sitting with Deborah she took us out for ice cream and let us sit in the front seat beside her with the window wide open. Just threee gals having a good time! It was a great day and Deborah is a nice as she is talented and sure knows how to make a fowl look fabulous! Later Fran & Freda!