It is finally Fowl Friday again with Fran & Freda! Happy New Year! With a new year comes the resolutions but of course Debra doesn't do resolutions she has "intentions", words to guide her through this new year. She has been reading "Eat, Pray, Love so now she has words for the new year "Love, Joy, Gratitude."
We are just sticking to the plain old new year resolutions, so here we go! Our resolutions for 2011! Freda did the writing and kind of got off on a Zentangle moment!

Fran & Freda's New Year Resolutions!
1. We will eat organic chicken feed with sugar on top.
2. We will exercise everyday by rolling our eyes at least ten times.
3. We will clean our nest regularly. (Molly Maid has been called)
4. Freda will give up for a month! (I think she switched to Plenty of Feathers anyway! judging from the last rooster that came calling!)
5. We will not "borrow" any more of Debra's clothing for nesting purposes. (Although a laundry basket is just asking to be nested!)
6. We will attempt to be grateful at least once a day but not if the organic chicken feed is on the menu!
There you have it our resolutions for the New Year, we were trying for ten but it is too exhausting! So happy 2011, remember to Follow the Fowl Fran & Freda!