Happy Easter! Happy Spring although we are getting snow here!
Over at
cool2craft it is "All About Shoes" for this week's Creative Muse Linky Party. My entry is a lace paper slipper a little while ago with a wee mousy sleeping inside which in my fuzzy world is the perfect shoe! Check out all the fabulous shoe projects with the button in the sidebar and vote for your favorite! Enjoy!

Vintage Slipper with Wee Mousekin
I was inspired by some lace I found in my stash and a bag of broken pearl necklaces I picked up at the flea market. The pearls are a range of gorgeous vintage hues. Not being a jewelry designer
Katiedid components were ideal to use as I could glue broken pieces of pearl necklace into the doughnut components.

Making the slipper, tan cardstock covered with lace.
Create the flower as shown in die instructions. Add pearl filled Katiedid doughnut to center of flower. Flower is glued to show front.
Finish decorating slipper with ribbons, buttons, pearls and second component. Add a rolled note as second option to give as a gift. Create mouse by following Needle Felting techniques
here. Layer flower lace and felt flower pieces to make hat and dress. Add pearls and ribbon.