March is interNational Craft month so let's get crafting. One of the segments I taped for Creative Living with Sheryl Borden was showing how to make a Sock Kitty Water Bottle Cover. With one sock you can create an easy bottle cover.

1 Fox River red heel sock
2 oz of polyester fibrefill
Scraps of Fuchsia, Seashell Pink, Caribbean Surf ( teal) Xotic Felt by National Nonwovens
1 skein each of black and pink embroidery floss
Aleene's Fabric Fusion™
Upholstery thread
Embroidery Needle
5", 8" Westcott Brand® Titanium Steel Scissors
(Ruler, pins, measuring tape, pencil, invisible marker)
1. Turn the sock inside out. Place flat with heel centered and facing up. Use a 4" circle to draw head curve just above red heel which is the muzzle. Draw two triangle ears and tail along opposite folds at end of sock.

2. Pin pieces. Sew along drawn pattern line. Carefully cut around pieces leaving a ¼" border.
3. Turn tail and head body pieces right side out. Cut small slit in fold of each ear and turn right side out.
4. Stuff head pushing stuffing into heel which is cat's muzzle. Under head stitch in a circle through sock and pull tight to create neck. Secure threads and cut.
5. Put a dot of glue in center of muzzle above red muzzle. Using pink floss embroider nose in place with small straight stitches. Embroider down from nose and across muzzle to make smile.
6. Anchor black floss at back of neck bring through to edge of white above muzzle as shown in photo. Make a ¾" stitch for eye taking floss through to back of neck. Pull stitch tightly to indent slightly. Repeat for second eye.
7. Secure floss at back of head. Take floss back through front of muzzle on one side of nose. Make a knot, leave a 3" length for whisker and cut floss. Repeat this for remaining three whiskers.
8. Fold raw edges of ear slit in. With upholstery thread stitch a small line along bottom of ear. Pull to gather. Secure thread. Place on seam line of sock and stitch in place. Repeat for second ear.
9. Stuff tail. Turn raw ends under and stitch around opening. Pull stitches tight and secure. Place tail along bottom of sock. Stitch in place.
10. Fold a collar piece 1-1/2" by 4". Stitch with pink floss. Place around neck and stitch in place. Cut two hearts, place together and embroider initial or add two crossed stitches with pink floss. Sew or glue to cat or collar.
Here is the water bottle cover shown along with a Sock Kitty and a pair of mittens. Socks are an easy way to craft and an even better wat to use up stray socks! Happy crafting!