The first Monday of the month and the DCC (Designer Craft Connection) is hopping! This month's hop is sponsored by When Creativity Knocks, Sock Monkeys Go BanAnas,

Fox River, Red Heel Sox, Judikins , Sock Monkey Stamp and RIT, the Dye Company!
To enter the contest open until December 19th
Go to website
In the Member Log in box click: Create An Account
-Entry Code: Sock Monkey
There is also a discount coupon to purchase the WCK VideoBook: Sock Monkey Goes BanAnas
Now on for the adventure! We were sent Ana's video book to create a sock monkey along with the red heel socks from Fox River. Ana has several tips and an updated version of the traditional pattern to make a sock monkey super easy.
However do not make it at 11pm at night when you have already worked a 12 hour day! I have to admit I was half way through sewing when I realized I had missed the crucial first step of turning the socks wrong side out. Thankfully the socks look great on the inside too (and the hat hides a bad hair day or in this case the toe bumpy seam line!)
On with the adventure!

Visit the Toymaker!
Just click on the DCC button in the right sidebar to catch up with some other monkey adventures!