This Christmas several of the special gifts exchanged between my daughters and myself were handmade. My older daughter attends a creative festival each summer which involves costumes so I bought her a handmade tutu from a delightful mother and daughter at a local show. Watching her open the box with a flurry of tulle cascading out was such fun! She loved it!

Amanda gave Kate a beautiful handmade hammock which folds up into bag. The hammock is made by a local artist Cory Richardson known as Max, who calls them Hanging Hugs. All of the proceeds from the hammocks go to providing sleeping hammocks in Uganda. His story is an interesting one, you can read about this young social activist on his website. Here is Kate wearing her hammock!

Gifts chosen were thoughtful and handmade are even more special. Both girls went home from the holidays as always with a piece of my heart and gifts created with love! Follow the JOY! Debra, CEO!