Every month a group of very talented professional CHA craft designers host a blog hop, the DCC Designer Crafts Connection. This month's theme is Crafting with School Supplies. I love and design with felt all the time which is a definite school supply staple!
My other fun design work is with Doll Diaries as Kunin Felt is one of the major sponsors of Camp Doll Diaries this summer. I have been creating a wardrobe of fun, fast& fab fashions for my 18" doll McKayla. With back to school not far off I decided to design a cute backpack for McKayla from the tyedye Printzfelt. Super simple!

You will need:
9" x 12" craft cut Kunin Printzfelt, 1 60's TyeDye.
1/2 yd ribbon
Fabri-tac adhesive by Beacon Adhesives
3 buttons by Buttons Galore
1 Hook and loop round fastener by Velcro
Ruler, marker, scissors
1. Mark wrong side of felt at center lengthwise. Mark lines at 4" from bottom and 2 1/2" from top. Angle ruler and mark top corners.

2. Fold wrong side out on center fold, finger press. Cut off top corners on lines.
3. Fold up bottom on second line and finger press. Fold top down on line and finger press.
4. Unfold piece and refold center with tyedye pattern out. Glue open edges shut.

5. Cut two 7" pieces of ribbon.
5. Fold bottom up along pressed line. Glue sides shut, inserting ribbon ends into top of either side before gluing shut.
6. Fold top down along finger pressed line. With hook and loop pieces fastened together adhere to center of upper edge of bottom inside and corresponding top inside.
7. Glue buttons to center of front as shown. Flip backpack over and glue ribbon ends to bottom corners.
Since the backpack turned out so cute I decided to fold another piece of tyedye felt and make McKayla a cute skirt. The felt is a perfect size to fit around the 18" doll, less measuring or cutting! Catch that tutorial coming up on the Doll Diaries blog!

Hop on the DCC button to discover great DIY crafty school supply inspired designs!
Thanks for stopping by! Happy creating!